Monday, December 6, 2010

Put a Little Love in Your Heart

On the Subway, love exists over the sound of changing tracks and beat boxers. This time of year, people tend to become just a little bit nicer to their fellow man. Even if it comes from the strangest of places sometimes.

We've all seen them. "Don't Blink!", they shout as they flip around the poles with loud music blaring. Convinced that we are going to get hit in the face, we turn our heads away in disgust and annoyance.

Or the Latino family wearing sombreros that board and begin playing accordions and guitars accompanying soulful Spanish lyrics.

So why on the subway, the other day, did I happen to see a little old lady dancing to one of our Beat Boxing fellow men? She liked it. So, sue her!

This woman must had been pushing 85, and yet she stood up and began to groove to the music. Our artist had to sustain his laughter, while barely containing the smile on his face. This man reached out to someone. She tipped him $10 on his way out and gave him a hug.

Love exists in a more traditional way of course. We start to notice couples, and even friends, holding hands and shopping bags. Shopping is like war and these people just survived it together.

Never mind "Loving yourself" On the subway, we think about ourselves enough.

Consider the story of the man above.
The letter he scribbled frantically on the A train was a genuine apology for hurting someone he loved. The man sat in silence prior to his prose. I turned around and then turned back to see him writing it. Inspiration had struck and our Romeo had started his letter to Juliet.

I still wonder what became of this man and his love.

I posted this photo for three reasons:

1) It looks cool.

2) It was cool to watch.

3) Have you ever seen such a prominent example of the impulse of love?

Can we not picture this guy walking back and forth in his apartment and wondering "How the hell can I fix this?"

I hope Romeo's letter went over well and they are back to riding the rails together, hands held and dropping quarters into magician's buckets.

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